Academic Fellowship
ADEA Academic Dental Careers Fellowship Program (ADEA ADCFP)
The ADEA Academic Dental Careers Fellowship Program (ADCFP) was founded in 2006 with the goal of discovering and growing tomorrow’s dental faculty and researchers by providing current faculty with tools on how to mentor allied,
advanced education and predoctoral dental students and help them develop their plans for pursuing an academic career.
The program provides each academic dental institution a flexible framework that functions as a window for students into the “day-to-day” life and experiences of dental faculty at academic dental institutions through one-on-one mentorship.
The ADEA ADCFP consists of faculty and student pairs who will work in collaboration on a research or teaching project.
The faculty member will provide mentorship to the student with regard to:
- Understanding and undergoing the daily experience of a dental school faculty member,
- Hearing the personal reflections of faculty members via one-on-one interview,
- Understanding and applying the best practices in learning and research and
- Planning an academic career and navigating the education landscape.
The ADCFP is a voluntary program offered by ADEA and managed by an ADCFP Liaison located at each individual academic dental program. To date, over 400 students have completed the program, representing over 40 different U.S. and Canadian academic dental institutions.
What’s Next
- Mid-November: Early Bird Registration for the 2024 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition: adea.org/2025
- January/February: One-hour virtual training for your new ADCFP Liaisons. Please ADEA Office of Learning at ProfessionalDevelopment@adea.org if you are interested.
- February/March: Complete recruitment of Faculty Mentors/Student Fellows at your school.
- March: Join us at the ADCFP Certificate Reception and Poster Presentations at the 2025 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition.
- March/April: Fellow-Mentor action plans completed.
If you are a faculty or student interested in learning more about this program, please contact ADEA Office of Learning at ProfessionalDevelopment@adea.org.
To see if your academic dental program currently has an active ADCFP and ADCFP Faculty Liaison that you can contact for volunteer opportunities, see the 2024-25 ADCFP Liaison Roster.
ADCFP Tool Kit
- ADCFP Overview and FAQs (PDF)
- ADCFP Faculty Interview Questions (docs)
- Best Practices Guide for Departmental Climate (PDF)
- ADCFP Final Poster Examples (PDF)
- 2019 ADEA Poster Template (PPT)
- ADCFP Reflection Questions (docs)
- ADCFP Action Plans SAMPLE (PDF)
- ADCFP Application Checklist Participation Agreement SAMPLE (docs)
- ADCFP Teaching Component SAMPLE (PDF)
“As a faculty mentor for two years, I believe that the ADCFP experience adds richness to the student’s professional growth and ultimately their leadership potential. Students take a project from idea to completion, meet with faculty and attend meetings they would normally not have access to. These experiences will build our future academic and clinical leaders and have given me a sense of pride in the amazing abilities our students possess.”
—Elizabeth Andrews, D.D.S., M.S., Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor, Western University of Health Sciences College of Dental Medicine, ADEA ADCFP Faculty Mentor
“As a faculty mentor, I am deeply appreciative of the ADEA ADCFP Student Fellows program and the opportunities it brings to our students. Through this program, my student Fellow is now participating in a meaningful research project to help address the destruction of bone resulting from medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw. As part of this program, my student will also deliver a lecture on osteonecrosis to his classmates during the musculoskeletal system course in the spring term. Thank you for your support.”
—James Borke, M.S., Ph.D., Professor, Assistant Dean for Biomedical Sciences Curriculum, Western University of Health Sciences College of Dental Medicine, ADEA ADCFP Faculty Mentor
“The ADEA ADCFP offers a unique glimpse of what teaching as a dental professor can entail. The structured requirements of the program facilitate a custom-tailored learning experience that delivers a flexible opportunity for those interested in academic research. I have enjoyed this program so much; I am excited to continue my academic career route with my faculty advisor for a second year.”
—Michael Mears, D.M.D. 2023 Candidate, Western University of Health Sciences College of Dental Medicine, ADEA ADCFP Student Fellow
“The ADEA ADCFP provides unique opportunities for students interested in a career in dental academia and connects them with faculty to guide them along this path. Students discover what it is like to be a faculty member and faculty educate on how it is like to be an educator. This program is a model for how we can invest in the future of dental education.”
—Hubert K. Chan, D.D.S., Associate Dean for Integration of Technology, Curriculum and Learning Environments, Professor, Western University of Health Sciences College of Dental Medicine, ADEA ADCFP Liaison