At the 2004 Annual Session, each of ADEA’s seven councils elected a new Member-at-Large to join the continuing members of each administrative board. According to the Association’s bylaws, at the end of each Annual Session, when the Chair rotates off the board, the Chair-Elect moves into the position of Chair, the Secretary becomes Chair-Elect, and the Member-at-Large becomes Secretary. Occasionally, because of resignations, other board members may be elected as well. The fifth member of each board, the Vice President, serves a three-year term—with the exception of the Council of Students, whose Vice President serves a one-year, renewable term.
The 2004-05 members of the council’s administrative boards are as follows.
Council of Allied Dental Program Directors: Vice President, Prof. Patricia Nunn, Univ. of Oklahoma; Chair, Prof. Mary George, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Chair-Elect, Prof. Linda Stewart, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Secretary, Prof. Susan Bailey, Univ. of Louisville; Member-at-Large, Dr. Cindy Amyot, Univ. of Missouri-Kansas City.
Corporate Council: Vice President, Ms. Candy Ross, DEXIS, ProVision Dental Systems; Chair, Dr. Todd Watkins, Vital Source Technologies; Chair-Elect, Dr. Ronald Rupp, GlaxoSmithKline; Secretary, Mr. Ed Schmitt, DentalEZ Group; Member-at-Large, Mr. Kent Fletcher, GC America.
Council of Deans: Vice President, Dr. Lawrence Goldblatt, Indiana Univ.; Chair, Dr. Sharon Turner, Univ. of Kentucky; Chair-Elect, Dr. Michael Alfano, New York Univ.; Secretary, Dr. Jerold Goldberg, Case School of Dental Medicine; Member-at-Large, Dr. Ronald Hunt, Virginia Commonwealth Univ.
Council of Faculties: Vice President, Dr. John Killip, Univ. of Missouri-Kansas City; Chair, Dr. Karen West, Univ. of Kentucky; Chair-Elect, Dr. Edwin Hines, Meharry Medical College; Secretary, Dr. Diane Hoelscher, Univ. of Detroit Mercy; Member-at-Large, Dr. Patricia Nihill, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago.
Council of Hospitals and Advanced Education Programs: Vice President, Dr. James Swift, Univ. of Minnesota; Chair, Dr. O. Ross Beirne, Univ. of Washington; Chair-Elect, Dr. Zakaria Messieha, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago; Secretary, Dr. Sheila Koh, Univ. of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Member-at-Large, Dr. Todd Thierer, Univ. of Rochester.
Council of Sections: Vice President, Dr. Gerald Glickman, Baylor College of Dentistry; Chair, Dr. Katherine Kula, Univ. of Missouri-Kansas City; Chair-Elect, Dr. Sandra Andrieu, Louisiana State Univ.; Secretary, Prof. Gail Williamson, Indiana Univ.; Member-at-Large, Dr. Ronald Botto, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago.
Council of Students: Vice President, Mr. Christopher Arena, New Jersey Dental School; Chair, Ms. Aubrey Barrett, Univ. of Louisville; Chair-Elect, Mr. Timothy Oh, Loma Linda Univ.; Secretary, Ms. Melissa Colon, New Jersey Dental School; Member-at-Large, Mr. Joshua Hutter, SUNY Buffalo.
For contact information for each of these officers or more information on the councils, visit the ADEA website at