Bulletin of Dental Education

University of Puerto Rico SDM Continues to Grow Number of ADEA Academic Dental Careers Fellowship Program Participants

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The most recent ADEA Academic Dental Careers Fellowship Program (ADCFP) graduation took place at the 2024 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition in New Orleans, LA. Over 1,000 participants to date have graduated from the ADCFP program.

One institution that had the most graduates is the University of Puerto Rico School of Dental Medicine (UPR SDM). 

“The UPR ADEA ADCFP for the academic year 2024-25 has 44 students! The largest group since our first group in 2016,” said Damaris Molina-Negron, D.M.D., Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs at UPR SDM and ADCFP Liaison.

ADCFP was founded at ADEA in 2006 with the goal of discovering and growing tomorrow’s dental faculty and researchers by providing current faculty with tools on how to mentor allied, advanced education and predoctoral dental students and help them develop their plans for pursuing an academic career.

The program provides each academic dental institution a flexible framework that functions as a window for students into the “day-to-day” life and experiences of dental faculty at academic dental institutions through one-on-one mentorship. The ADCFP is a voluntary program offered by ADEA and managed by an ADCFP Liaison located at each individual academic dental program.

For more information about ADCFP, please contact Renée Latimer, M.B.A., ADEA Senior Director of Professional Development and Educational Technology, at Latimerr@adea.org.

Published on July 10, 2024

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