ADEA Directory of Institutional Members and Association Officers

The online ADEA Directory of Institutional Members and Association Officers (DIM) is available.

This members-only resource is completely searchable.

DIM button
Use your ADEA member login to access the DIM.

You can search for colleagues at the following institution categories:

  • Dental schools—United States and Canada
  • Advanced education institutions
  • Hospital programs not affiliated with dental schools
  • Allied dental education programs not affiliated with dental schools
  • ADEA Corporate Members
  • Association Officers
  • ADEA Staff

Be sure to bookmark the ADEA DIM page!

Access the ADEA DIM:

The ADEA DIM is available, for free, to ADEA members.

About the DIM

The ADEA Directory of Institutional Members and Association Officers is published yearly.

Corrections and changes should be sent to Laura Iverson at