ADEA LEADE (Summer 2025)
ADEA LEADE: Leadership Essentials for Allied Dental Educators (Summer 2025)
The ADEA Leadership Essentials for Allied Dental Educators (ADEA LEADE) is an eight-week, online course designed to promote leadership and professional development, as well as to increase and enhance leadership opportunities, for allied dental faculty.
ADEA LEADE is designed specifically for dental hygiene, dental therapy, dental assisting and dental laboratory technology faculty members who have worked in academics a minimum of two years.
Facilitated by leaders in allied dental education, this highly interactive program will take place completely online through self-paced as well as scheduled weekly activities. The program will be conducted via ADEA eLearn—a digital hub for faculty development.
Learning Outcomes
- Develop a productive working relationship with a chosen mentor.
- Formulate a personal leadership style using a self-assessment inventory.
- Prepare a teaching portfolio that includes a current curriculum vitae.
- Recognize the role of emotional intelligence and emotional maturity on leadership skills.
- Modify stress levels through work/life integration.
- Create a blueprint of future short- and long-term goals via mind mapping.
- Construct a personal vision statement.
- Develop conflict management skills.
- Assess opportunities for fulfilling personal and professional leadership roles.
Registration Rates
Member | $375 | N/A | |
Nonmember | $475 | N/A |
Cancellation and Refund Policy
- All registrations and reserved events are subject to this cancellation policy.
- The ADEA Registrar must receive meeting cancellations in writing by April 25, 2025, to process refunds.
- We are not able to accept telephone cancellations.
- Please email cancellations to meetings@adea.org.
- A $30 processing fee will be deducted from the refund, which will be issued after the meeting has concluded.
- A cancellation received after April 25, 2025, is not eligible for refund or credit. Refunds or credits will not be given for failure to attend, late arrival, unattended events or early departure.
Participants of this program will be eligible for 25 CE Credits.
The American Dental Education Association is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider.
ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
The American Dental Education Association designates this activity for 25 continuing education credits.
All speakers agree that neither they nor members of their immediate family have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may be relevant to their presentation.
Orientation: Getting Started | Katie Pudwill, M.S.D.H., RDH katie.pudwill@usd.edu |
Week 1: Mentoring | Joanne Pacheco, RDH, M.A.O.B. joanne.pacheco@fresnocitycollege.edu |
Week 2: What is Leadership and Leadership Assessments? | Annette Stelter, RDH, M.A., Ed.D. aStelter@westcoastuniversity.edu |
Week 3: Work-Life Integration | Lorie Holt, RDH, M.S.D.H., Ph.D. holtla@umkc.edu |
Week 4: Conflict Management | Katie Pudwill, M.S.D.H., RDH katie.pudwill@usd.edu |
Week 5: Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Maturity | Joanne Pacheco, RDH, M.A.O.B. joanne.pacheco@fresnocitycollege.edu |
Week 6: Professional and Life Improvement Goals | Tanya Villalpando Mitchell, M.S., RDH VillalpandoT@umkc.edu |
Week 7: Future Personal and Professional Leadership Opportunities | All Facilitators |
Week 8 : Curriculum Vitae and Teaching Portfolio | Jessica Kiser, Ed.D., M.S., RDH jrkiser82@mail.cfcc.edu |
Questions regarding registration changes, please contact meetings@adea.org.
We are not able to accept telephone cancellations.