Grants and Awards
Grantmaking will increase through the generosity of individuals, corporations and organizations.
Supporting the ADEAGies Foundation® provides an opportunity for donors to make an impact across dental education, and to benefit patients, for generations to come.
Recognize and support:
- Quality journalism in dental literature.
- Scientific achievement within the recognized dental specialties.
- Student achievement in service, oral health education or research.

Recent Grant Examples:

University of South Florida, College of Public Health
Evaluation of Continuing Education for Dental Providers Regarding HPV and Oropharyngeal Cancers
Cabrillo College Foundation
Side by Side Dental Hygiene Program for Stroke Survivors: A Proposal to the ADEAGies Foundation
Rutgers University School of Dental Medicine
Creating Awareness in Academic Dentistry

University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College
Implementing an Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary (EFDA) Certificate Program

Howard University College of Dentistry
A Generation Later: Work Environment Perceptions of Full-Time Dental Educator? Does Gender Still Matter?

The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston) School of Dentistry
Educating Students through Interprofessional Dental Care Delivery for Adults with Cognitive Deficits.

University Missouri – Kansas City School of Dental Medicine
Which Way to Lean? A National Study of Women Dental Faculty Members’ Career Aspirations and Choices – Part Two

University of Illinois Chicago – College of Dentistry
Immersive Learning with AI-enhanced Virtual Standardized Patient (VSP) to Improve Dental Students’ Communication Proficiencies and History Taking Skills