ADEA DHCAS: Program Directors
Welcome to the ADEA DHCAS® (ADEA Dental Hygiene Centralized Application Service). This service is available to all individuals applying to dental hygiene programs participating in the application service. ADEA DHCAS provides a secure, online platform for programs to access applicants' data and track their progress.
☞ Find answers to frequently asked questions about ADEA DHCAS .
☞ Take a look at participating programs by using the ADEA DHCAS Program Finder
☞ Learn more about ADEA DHCAS! Set up a webinar by ontacting Emily Rhineberger at or 202-513-1189.
The ADEA Dental Hygiene Centralized Application is an application service for dental hygiene programs at all levels. Managed by staff at the American Dental Education Association and processed by staff at Liaison International (ADEA's technology partner), ADEA DHCAS is a common application for dental hygiene applicants. It collects standardized information and distributes that information to select programs; collecting and sharing information is the primary goal of a centralized application service and programs retain autonomy to set application prerequisites, make admissions decisions, and transfer coursework. Liaison serves as the information clearinghouse only.
ADEA DHCAS provides a secure, online platform for programs to access applicants and track their progress while simultaneously providing customer service to applicants by phone and email. In addition to providing the verified application to the programs, ADEA DHCAS also provides an admissions management system called WebAdMIT. WebAdMIT is a dynamic site which allows for complex reporting, integrated communication, and management of the whole applicant pool. By working with multiple dental hygiene programs, ADEA DHCAS can also provide useful information on the profession as a whole.
The ADEA DHCAS Program Finder compiles information from programs and makes it available for applicants in one place. Information including class size, prerequisite requirements and contact information is also available in the search engine.
WebAdMIT Support
Phone: (857) 304-2020
The WebAdMIT support team is available Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET