Loan Information Charts

Loan Comparison Charts

 Federal Direct UnsubsidizedFederal Direct PLUS (Grad PLUS)Campus-basedPrivate
LenderFederal governmentFederal governmentSchoolPrivate lender
EligibilityBased on COABased on COASee FAO for detailsCredit based, varies by lender
CitizenshipU.S. citizen or permanent residentU.S. citizen or permanent residentSee FAO for detailsUsually U.S. citizen or permanent resident unless cosigner is citizen or permanent resident
Annual Limit$40,500COA less other aidSee FAO for detailsVaries by lender
Interest SubsidyNoneNoneOften interest free during school, see FAO for detailsNone
Interest RateRate changes on new loans each July 1, then fixed for life of loanRate changes on new loans each July1, then fixed for life of loan, rate always 1% higher than Direct UnsubsidizedUsually fixed, see FAO for detailsFixed or variable
Grace Period6 monthsNo grace, but 6-month post enrollment defermentOften 6-12 months, see FAO for detailsVaries by lender
Repayment PlansMultiple plans, including time-driven and income-drivenMultiple plans, including time-driven and income-drivenOften 10 years, see FAO for detailsVaries by lender
Eligible for Public Service Loan ForgivenessYes, assuming other requirements metYes, assuming other requirements metNoNo
Postponement OptionsMultiple optionsMultiple optionsSee FAO detailsVaries by lender

Interest Rate Chart

Academic YearDirect sub and unsub for undergraduatesDirect unsubDirect PLUS (Grad PLUS)

Download the Interest-Rate-Chart-Summer-2024PDF

* Interest rates change on new loans disbursed on or after July 1 each year, then fixed for the life of the loan.

* Direct PLUS always 1% higher than direct unsubsidized.

* Rates on direct loans were 0% during the period covered by the CARES Act (March 2020 to September 2023).

* Undergraduate rates shown for the benefit of borrowers with predental loans.

* AAMC/ADEA Dental Loan Organizer and Calculator uploads correct rates when using the upload feature.

* Maximum interest rates 9.50% and 10.5% for direct unsub and direct PLUS respectively.