Diversity Checklist

This checklist assists ADEA dental schools and allied dental programs with evaluating and developing strategies to improve campus diversity, equity and inclusion. The checklist was developed using best practices from the literature on diversity/inclusion and draws on model diversity programs used to promote inclusive excellence in higher education and health professions education.

To address the differences among schools and programs within dental education, we have identified a wide range of strategies. However, we advise you to be focused in your approach by identifying key strategies you can undertake now and reserving other strategies for future exploration. The checklist is a starting point and not an exhaustive list. We also encourage you to expand on the strategies below. Checklist feedback was provided by the ADEA Council of Deans, Council of Allied Dental Program Directors, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee, and Collaborative on Dental Education Climate Assessment.

In using the checklist, you should evaluate and discuss with a variety of campus stakeholders the current and future expected relevance of each identified strategy.

The following rating system should be applied to evaluate the use of the potential strategy at your campus:

(✓= highly relevant); (✓= relevant) or (✓= not relevant).

Please consider the following questions when completing the comments section:
  1. Has the campus tried or will the campus retry the strategy?
  2. Who is assigned to follow up or further develop the strategy?
  3. What resources are available or will be committed to support the strategy?

The checklist includes items that may be particularly relevant in light of the need to preserve and pursue diversity initiatives during the economic challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and in response to the Black Lives Matters/Anti-Racism Movement. Other strategies apply more broadly to various aspects of ongoing efforts to foster inclusive excellence.

Remember that campus stakeholders do not expect you to have all the answers, but stakeholders do expect to see commitment and measurable progress.

The following menu provides a brief overview of each section of the checklist.

Use the check boxes for a quick assessment and print the web page for your reference (checked boxes will not be saved or recorded anywhere; refresh the page to clear the boxes).

Download the full ADEA Checklist to Promote Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (PDF)

Strategy 1— Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning

1-A: Dental School/Allied Dental Strategic Plan

Does your strategic plan include goals and objectives that support diversity, equity and inclusion?

How is accountability measured? How do you communicate progress to the internal and external community?

Idea: Use the ADEA Access, Diversity and Inclusion Framework 1-1 to assist with strategic goal discussions and planning.) See also the AAMC Strategic Planning Checklist, Culture and Climate Resources and the AAMC Diversity and Inclusion in Academic Medicine: A Strategic Planning Guide.

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1-B: Mission and Value Statements

Are the dental school/allied dental program mission and value statements reviewed regularly to ensure they include principles of diversity, equity and inclusion, along with updated language?

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1-C: Accreditation Standards

Are CODA standards on diversity, inclusion and humanistic environment widely publicized, and is support for the standards articulated regularly?

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1-D: Educational and Societal Benefits of Diversity

How do you regularly communicate to faculty, staff, students, residents and fellows the educational and societal benefits of diversity that derive from your mission?

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Strategy 2— Creating a Welcoming Climate

2-A: Townhall Meetings and Voices of Underrepresented Stakeholders

Are townhall meetings held throughout the year, as needed, to promote dialogue and transparency? Do you or senior administrators meet regularly with students, faculty, residents and staff affinity groups? How are perspectives and concerns of faculty, student, residents and staff affinity groups communicated to the dean or allied dental program director?

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2-B: Relationship With Campus and Local Police

What actions have been taken to review relationships and memoranda of understanding with campus and local police in conjunction with campus/academic medical center administration?

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2-C: Implementation of Climate Surveys and Diversity Readiness Assessments

Do you have baseline climate data? Are the climate survey focus areas telling you what you need to know (e.g., well-being, engagement and intergroup relations, differential treatment/discrimination, classroom/clinical environment, etc.)? 

See the National Multicultural Institute’s Identifying Organizational Readiness ChecklistPDF in AAMC Diversity and Inclusion in Academic Medicine: A Strategic Planning Guide and the AAMC webcast and supplemental guide, Assessing Institutional Culture and Climate.

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2-D: Short Pulse Surveys

Are you conducting short pulse surveys to get a quick snapshot of the impact of contemporary issues and gauge the thinking and concerns of faculty, staff, students, residents and alumni? How are you using this data to drive decision-making and strategies?

See how VCU is using text messaging to gather this information.

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2-E: Scheduling Courses/Clinic and Distance Learning

How have you evaluated course/clinic and remote learning schedules to assess any possible disparate impact on students, faculty and staff in light of COVID-19, particularly historically underrepresented and marginalized (HURM) groups (e.g., childcare commitments, need to work now to assist with family finances, access to WiFi and hotspots, quiet places to study and work in light of stay-at-home/quarantines)?

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2-F: Equity and Diversity Policies

How do you regularly disseminate information on campus equity and equal opportunity polices? How do you regularly evaluate stakeholders’ knowledge of these policies and resources? 

Note: Work with essential campus partners and institutional offices like Human Resources; Student Affairs; Title IX Coordinator; Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; and Campus Police to evaluate.

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2-G: Well-being and Resiliency Programming and Support

How are concepts and programming to support well-being and resiliency incorporated, developed and implemented in your community?  

Idea: Consider asking your student health or student affairs office for any data they have for professional students from the ACHA-National College Health Assessment II (ACHA-NCHA II)

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2-H: Unconscious Bias, the Cultural Competence Continuum and Diversity Training

What different types of unconscious bias and diversity trainings are available for faculty, staff, students, residents and fellows? Which trainings are mandatory? 

See the Harvard Business Review article, Two Types of Diversity Trainings That Really Work

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2-I: Communication and Messaging

Have you conducted a recent audit to review your dental school/allied dental program social media accounts, publications and website to ensure diversity, equity and inclusion are represented appropriately?

Have you developed style guidelines, or does your institution have updated style guidelines for communication and messaging related to diversity, equity and inclusion (e.g., consider terms your campus uses in emails, publications and social media such as minorities vs. HURM students/faculty/staff/residents/patients, American Indian vs. Native American, Indigenous vs. Aboriginal/White vs. white)? 

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Strategy 3— Administration of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

3-A: Appointment of a Diversity Officer and/or Review of Diversity Officer Responsibilities

Do you have a diversity officer? Is this diversity officer part of senior administration?

What resources and structures are in place to ensure that the diversity officer has enough time to commit to diversity, equity and inclusion work in order to be effective?

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3-B: Commitment of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Resources

Have you reviewed diversity, equity and inclusion resources to determine whether they are effective in helping you achieve strategic diversity, equity and inclusion goals (e.g., staff, financial, professional development, programming, student recruitment/retention, faculty and staff recruitment/retention, resident recruitment and support)?

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3-C: Appointment or Revitalization of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

Do you have a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee? Does the committee have a formal charge from the dean or allied dental program director or does it need to be updated?

How do you ensure support for the committee? Does the committee need to be restructure or revitalized?

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3-D: Dental School or Allied Dental Program Diversity Plan

Do you have a diversity plan for your dental school or allied dental program that flows from your strategic plan’s diversity, equity and inclusion goals?

Idea: Use the ADEA Access, Diversity and Inclusion Framework 1-1 to assist you in your strategic goal discussions and planning.

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3-E: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Data Transparency and Use to Develop Strategic Priorities

Are you using dashboards to share faculty, student, resident and staff data (e.g., historically underrepresented race/ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc.)?

How are the data being used to drive decision-making and develop strategies to support HURM groups?

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3-F: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Group

Do you have a dean’s or allied program director’s advisory group with representation from diverse alumni, community leaders and dental associations that support HURM groups in your state and local community?

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3-G: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement and Statements in Response to Black Lives Matter/Anti-Racism

Does your campus have a diversity statement? If so, how is it widely disseminated and publicized?

Did you issue a statement in response to the recent Black Lives Matter and Anti-Racism Movements? If yes, remember to demonstrate commitment and follow through as part of your strategic programming and planning.

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Strategy 4— Support for Diverse Students

4-A: White Coats for Black Lives Chapters

Do you have a White Coats for Black Lives (WCFBL) Chapter (See link: WCFBL)? If yes, how have you invited chapter representatives to help you develop solutions and initiatives?

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4-B: Holistic Review Admissions and Enrollment Management

Does your campus use holistic admissions in the recruitment of students, residents and fellows?

See: The Playbook: Understanding the Role of Race Neutral Strategies in Advancing Higher Education Diversity Goals (2d Ed. 2019) and Roadmap to Excellence: Key Concepts for Evaluating the Impact of Medical School Holistic Admissions by AAMC.

Does your school or program have a strategic enrollment management plan that focuses on performance analyses (including recruitment of HURM students), current and future market assessment, market and strategy prioritization, and a planning timeline for accomplishing enrollment goals? 

For a basic example, download the EAB Strategic Enrollment Management Framework, which can be adapted for your school/program. For more advanced examples, see California State University, Chico, Strategic Enrollment PlanPDF and SUNY Broome Community College Strategic Enrollment PlanPDF.

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4-C: Affinity Student Groups and Organizations

Are there adequate resources to support affinity student groups such as SNDA, HDA, SAID, international students, Indigenous students and students in the LGBTQIA+ community?

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4-D: ADEA Student Diversity Leadership Program (ADEA SDLP)

Do you send at least two students to the annual ADEA Student Diversity Leadership Program that occurs the Friday before ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition?

Note: ADEA SDLP will be virtual for the 2021 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition. 

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4-E: New Student Orientation Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Programming

How are principles and support for diversity, equity and inclusion incorporated into new student orientation activities for all students?

What measures are you taking to assist new international and historically underrepresented/marginalized students with their transition to dental school or the allied dental program?

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4-F: Student Pipeline Programs

How have you assisted students, alumni, residents and local dental associations in creating mentoring and other programs to support activities for HURM students interested in the oral health professions (e.g., consider grants, weekend and summer programs and partnering with other health professions schools and programs on your campus to develop and support pipeline programs)?

See the ADEA Faculty Diversity Toolkit, Chapter 3: Best Practice Highlights—Recruiting and Hiring Diverse Faculty, A. Developing a Diverse Faculty Pipeline, for model student pipeline program examples. 

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4-G: Housing, Internet Access and Food Insecurity

Have you examined, polled and provided resources to ensure adequate housing, stable internet access and food for students?

Has there been a disparate impact on HURM students as a result of COVID-19?

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4-H: Student Conduct and Professionalism Policies and Practices

Have you reviewed student conduct and professionalism policies, data and practices to ensure they are administered equitability and do not have a disparate impact on HURM students?

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4-I: Honor Societies and Awards

Have you reviewed student honor society and student award selection criteria, data and practices to ensure they are administered equitability and do not have a disparate impact on HURM students?

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4-J: Enrollment Management and Academic Platforms

Have you reviewed enrollment management and academic platforms to support preferred names, pronouns and modern language for reporting race/ethnicity and gender identity categories?

Reminder: Partner with admissions and the registrar to consider IPED and Clearinghouse reporting implications.

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4-K: Cultivating Campus Allies

What campus and community allies have you cultivated and enlisted as partners in your efforts to recruit and retain HURM students?

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4-L: Academic Progression

Have you reviewed academic progression policies, data and practices to ensure they are administered equitability and do not have a disparate impact on HURM students?

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4-M: Student Support Services

How are you regularly evaluating student support services to ensure that resources are available to support HURM students?

Note: This includes DACA students, international students, LGBTQIA+ students, students of color, students with disabilities, Indigenous students, veterans, students who observe various religious practices and faiths and others.

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4-N: Community Showing of ADEA Webinar on Supporting LGBTQIA+ Students

Have you viewed or had a community showing of the ADEA on-demand webinar, Out and Safe: Supporting an Inclusive Dental School Community?

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Strategy 5— Curriculum

5-A: Culturally Infused Curriculum

How are you regularly evaluating classroom-based, preclinical and clinical, and community-based educational efforts to ensure there is culturally infused content?

Are you engaging campus experts from other departments to assist and develop content (e.g., African American Studies, Gender and Women’s Studies, LGBTIQIA+ Studies and Offices, Indigenous Studies, Latin and Latin American Studies, and others)?

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5-B: Ethics and Professionalism Courses and Training

How are principles of diversity, inclusion and equity infused throughout ethics and professionalism courses and training?

Note: Behavioral Science education plays a crucial role in shaping future dental care providers’ awareness, skills and knowledge related to communicating with patients, dental team members and colleagues in a culturally competent manner.

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5-C: MedEdPortal

Are faculty familiar with the free online resources in the MedEdPortal (supported by AAMC and ADEA), which houses searchable teaching modules and learning materials on health equity, diversity and cultural competence that can be infused into courses for students and residents?

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5-D: Inclusive Pedagogy

Have you convened a group to develop faculty training opportunities to assist them with developing strategies for incorporating inclusive pedagogies to engage all students, fully and fairly, in learning?

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Strategy 6— Supporting Diverse Faculty and Staff

6-A: Faculty Hiring Incentive and Retention Programs

What faculty hiring incentive and retention programs have you tried? Consider the following:

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6-B: Faculty Search Committees

Does your Faculty Search Committee have diverse representation?

See the ADEA Faculty Diversity Toolkit, Chapter 3: Best Practice Highlights—Recruiting and Hiring Diverse Faculty.

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6-C: Faculty Recruitment Plan

Do you have a faculty recruitment plan?

See also examples of Tulane and Emory Faculty Recruitment Plans in the appendices of the ADEA Faculty Diversity Toolkit.

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6-D: New Faculty Orientation

How are principles and support for diversity, equity and inclusion are incorporated into new faculty orientation activities?

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6-E: Cultural Taxation and Equity-Mindedness

How does your campus protect HURM faculty from being disproportionately burdened by service to the campus on committees and in advising roles?

For more on “cultural taxation,” see the ADEA Faculty Diversity Toolkit, Chapter 2: Barriers and Challenges to Recruiting and Retaining Diverse Faculty. For more on “equity-mindedness,” see the ADEA Faculty Diversity Toolkit, Chapter 5: Conclusion.

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6-F: AAMC Holistic Review Faculty Framework

Have you adopted or instituted a pilot program to use the holistic review faculty framework?

See the ADEA Faculty Diversity Toolkit, Chapter 3: Best Practice Highlights—Recruiting and Hiring Diverse Faculty

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6-G: Diversity and Performance Evaluations

What performance indicators are used to evaluate academic/clinical administrators and staff supervisors in their advancement of the core values of civility, mutual respect and diversity/inclusion within their spheres of influence?

For ideas, see the ADEA Faculty Diversity Toolkit, Chapter 3: Best Practice Highlights—Recruiting and Hiring Diverse Faculty.

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6-H: Tenure and Promotion

How have you used tenure and promotion data to help develop strategies to support the tenure and promotion of HURM faculty?

See the ADEA Faculty Diversity Toolkit, Chapter 2: Barriers and Challenges to Recruiting and Retaining Diverse Faculty, Promotion, Tenure and Professional Development and Chapter 4: Best Practice Highlights—Retaining Diverse Faculty, Promotion and Tenure for more information on bias in the tenure and promotion process and best practices related to promoting equity and fairness in tenure and promotion.

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6-I: ADEA Faculty Diversity Toolkit Launch Webinar

Have you viewed or had a community viewing of the on-demand ADEA Faculty Diversity Toolkit Virtual Dedication and Launch webinar?

See also the ADEA FDT webinar starting at starting at 00:28:13 for information on the benefits of faculty diversity and suggestions for fostering a supportive environment for diverse faculty.)

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6-J: Develop and Assess Staff Recruitment and Retention Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policies and Practices

How have you used data to help develop strategies to support staff recruitment and retention?

What assessment have you done to ensure that staff promotion criteria are free of bias and equitable for all staff?

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Strategy 7— Patients and Community Engagement

7-A: Supporting Underrepresented and Vulnerable Patients

How are you regularly evaluating protections for historically underrepresented and vulnerable patients? Do you review admitting practices in your clinics to reduce bias regarding race and perceived income?

See the New York Times article on race-based medicine. (Note: Dental public health education is crucial to inform about oral health disparities and the challenges of accessing oral health care services for persons from HURM and other marginalized backgrounds.)

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7-B: Clinical Mission

How are you addressing oral health inequities and disparities among the patient populations in your dental clinic and outreach activities?

How are you assisting vulnerable populations and unrepresented patients to ensure their access to dental services is not adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic?

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7-C: Community Engagement

How are you engaging community partners to address health inequities?

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7-D: ADEA Webinar on Supporting and Treating LGBTQIA+ patients

Have you, faculty, staff, students, and residents viewed or shared the ADEA on-demand webinar, Out and Safe: Supporting LGBTQ Health Equity?

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ADEA Checklist to Promote Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Download (PDF)


Please contact the ADEA Office of Access, Diversity and Inclusion at adi@adea.org.
