There are advertising opportunities in several ADEA publications, both print and electronic. To learn more about available opportunities, please download the 2022 Media Kit.
Classified Advertisements
The ADEA Bulletin of Dental Education, the Journal of Dental Education and ADEA DentEdJobsTM accept appropriate classified advertisements submitted by institutions and individuals.
ADEA neither investigates the offers being made nor assumes any responsibility concerning them. ADEA reserves the right to edit copy and to accept, delete or withdraw classified advertisements at its discretion.
ADEA DentEdJobs:
Position postings start at $499 for 30 days on ADEA DentEdJobs. Visit DentEdJobs.adea.org for available packages and more information on posting your open positions.
Other publications:
To place a recruitment ad in the ADEA Bulletin of Dental Education, please contact:
Nicola Tate
Advertising Sales
Association Media Group
Phone: 804-469-0324
Email: ntate@associationmediagroup.com
Display Advertising, Including Web Advertising
To place an ad in the ADEA Bulletin of Dental Education, ADEA.org or other products, please contact:
Nicola Tate
Account Executive
Association Media Group
Phone: 804-469-0324
For all Journal of Dental Education advertising inquiries, please contact:
Cunningham Associates
Jim Cunningham, Advertising Sales Executive
Phone: 201-767-4170
Email: jcunningham@cunnasso.com
Katie Tuzzolino, Classified Advertising
Phone: 201-767-4170
Email: ktuzzolino@cunnasso.com
ADEA neither investigates offers being made nor assumes any responsibility concerning them. ADEA reserves the right to edit copy and to accept, delete or withdraw position advertisements at its discretion.