Ordering Publications Information

Order publications online through the ADEA bookstore. Before you shop online, please read the important information below.

Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding an ADEA publication or placing an order, please call (202) 962-9113.

If you call Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Eastern time and there is no answer at that extension, please call (202) 513-1173.

You can also email publications@adea.org.

ADEA Terms and Conditions for Publications Orders

Shipping charges:

For shipping five or fewer items, ADEA charges a flat rate. If you are paying by credit card, ADEA will add the shipping cost to your charge. If you are paying by check and don't include the shipping cost, ADEA will invoice you by mail, separately from your shipment.


ADEA requires prepayment in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. bank in the form of a check or a charge to American Express, Mastercard, Discover, or Visa. International money orders are also accepted. Multiple orders require separate checks. Upon request, ADEA will provide a pro forma invoice for prepayment.

ADEA does not accept purchase orders or standing orders.

Claims for missing shipments:

File Claim

For publications other than the Journal of Dental Education, you must claim a missing shipment within 60 days of placing an order. Information for submitting a claim for missing or damaged issues of the printed JDE is available on the Wiley Online Library.

Questions? Contact publications@adea.org or (202) 289-7201.

Refund policy:

ADEA wants you to be satisfied with your purchases. Any refund due to an ADEA error will be processed expeditiously. Defective or damaged materials will be replaced free of charge if claimed within six months of order or publication date.

You may return any publications order within 30 days of the order date. ADEA will refund the cost of the publication, but not the original shipping cost or your shipping cost for the return.

You may cancel a subscription within 60 days of your order date, and ADEA will refund the cost.

ADEA issues refunds by the same method used for payment (check for a check payment, credit card for credit card purchase).
