Annual Session Panel photo


The Voice of Oral Health EducationTM

As the Voice of Dental Education, we’re an organization that remains nimble, with a focus on the oral health education changing landscape, current trends, and new research.  While some initiatives remain a part of our ongoing work annually, others develop as the environment or interests shift.

All of our work supports our vision of a well-prepared and diverse oral health workforce improving the health of all individuals and communities.


ADEA engages in policy research and dialogue in order to lead the thoughtful consideration of important contemporary problems in oral health education and to improve the oral health of the public.


ADEA’s advocacy efforts keep you up to date on all the news and issues impacting the oral health education community, from the major issues from the halls of Congress to the various federal agencies and statehouses.


The ADEA diversity portfolio builds, supports and enhances the leadership capacity of ADEA individual and institutional members around issues of diversity and inclusion, through a host of programs, education, research, and collaborations.


Please email ADEA membership at or call (202) 289-7201.
