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Preparing Effective Essay Questions

Preparing Effective Essay Questions: a Self-Directed Workbook for Educators


Christian M. Reiner, Timothy W. Bothell, and Richard R. Sudweeks


New Forums Press

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A Self-directed Workbook for Educators -- Do you want to improve the use of essay questions but have little time to review existing research? Or, are you concerned about using essay questions to obtain useful information about student learning? If so, this workbook series is for you! Although essay questions are one of the most commonly used methods for assessing student learning, they are sometimes misunderstood and ineffectively used. Writing effective essay questions requires training and practice. There is much to learn to effectively design and use essay questions. Preparing Effective Essay Questions is the first of a new workbook series, "Improving the Use of Essay Questions in Education." Other titles in the series include Preparing Students to Take Essay Questions, and Scoring Essay Questions. This series of small self-guided workbooks provides a review of the essentials for effectively using essay questions. Each workbook will help you immediately apply key principles of good practice for using essay questions in your own work. This workbook series was developed to provide self-guided training and practice in discerning the often difficult-to-see characteristics of effective essay questions and to support educators in the development and use of essay questions.The format of each workbook is suitable for use with seminars or work groups and can be facilitated by an instructor. However, the workbooks are primarily designed to be studied alone and are effective in self-directed learning. Sections contain assessments, practice exercises and review activities to foster understanding and improvement in writing and using effective essay questions. Exercises include sample answers for users to check their progress and understanding.

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