Sending Official Transcripts
Programs have the option of requesting official or unofficial post-secondary transcripts. Depending on the programs selected, the applicant will be prompted to add either or both.
If the Program Requires Official Transcripts:
For each college entered, click the Download Transcript Request Form button to download and print a transcript matching form. Provide this form to the college's Registrar’s Office so that they can send an official transcript to ADEA DHCAS.
Note that if the applicant attended a foreign college – and depending on the program's requirements – the applicant may be required to send a WES Foreign Transcript Evaluation.
If the Program Requires Unofficial Transcripts:
For each college entered, click the Upload Transcript button and upload any associated transcripts.
If the Program Doesn't Require Transcripts to be Submitted Through ADEA DHCAS:
Some programs choose this option when they want your transcripts mailed directory to their office. Double-check the program's requirements to determine if you need to send your transcripts by mail.
send all transcripts to:
ADEA DHCAS Transcript Processing Center
P.O. Box 9129
Watertown, MA 02471
ADEA DHCAS accepts transcripts sent electronically from Credential Solutions and Parchment only.
- A list of institutions using Credential Solutions can be obtained by clicking here.
- A list of institutions using Parchment service can be obtained by clicking here.
Transcript Entry and Review
If the Program
Requires Full Transcript Entry
Reporting coursework accurately is the applicant’s responsibility. Since credit values, grade values, and course subjects vary widely from school to school, programs need some type of standardization so they can accurately compare applicants. This standardization is achieved by using coursework to create a standard set of GPAs, ensuring applicants are compared to other applicants fairly and equally.
Complete the Colleges Attended section before entering courses. Report all courses on all transcripts, not just prerequisites. Applicants should include withdrawn courses, repeated courses, ungraded labs, test credits, gym courses, orientations or other non-graded courses.
Use official copies of your transcripts. Coursework must exactly match your official transcripts; don't use an unofficial version, like a printout from your school's website. List your courses under the correct term, year, and class level. Department prefixes and course numbers must
precisely match those on the transcripts.
Enter courses under the institution where the course was originally taken, exactly as they appear on the original school's transcript. Don't list courses under the school in which the credits were transferred.
ADEA DHCAS will verify coursework entry for accuracy, and the application will be returned if there are any inconsistencies, which may result in delays in submitting your application.
If Your Program
Requires Transcript Entry for Prerequisites Only
Entering prerequisite coursework is a 3-step process:
- Visit the Program Materials section of the application to review each program's prerequisite coursework requirements. Program's that require prerequisites will have a Prerequisites tab where applicants can view this information.
- Once familiar with the requirements, applicants should navigate to the Transcript Entry section and enter only the specific courses completed which match each program's prerequisite coursework requirements.
- When the applicant is finished entering the prerequisite coursework and has completed the transcript review, he or she should return to the Program Materials section and visit each program's page to identify the courses that fulfill each program's requirements. To assign a prerequisite on the Prerequisites tab:
- Click Assign Course.
- Click the plus sign next to the course(s) that fulfills the prerequisite. Applicants can match multiple courses to one prerequisite, if applicable.
- Click Save and Exit.
ADEA DHCAS will provide a standard set of GPAs to your selected program(s).
Note that if any program requires full transcript entry, the applicant must enter all coursework. Applicants only need to add this information once, as it can be used for every program
If Your Program Doesn't Require Transcript Entry
Applicant’s don't need to enter any coursework and ADEA DHCAS won't provide GPAs to the program(s) selected.
If the program(s) require official transcripts be submitted to ADEA DHCAS, then a Per Transcript GPA(s) and an Overall GPA will be provided to the program(s).
Transcript Review
If an applicant enters coursework, a review process will be initiated to provide information on special designations. Special designations may include:
Repeated Courses: Courses should only be marked as repeated if applicant repeated them at the same institution for a higher grade. Withdrawn courses, courses taken at different schools, and courses taken multiple times for new credit are not considered repeated.
Honors: Applicants should specify honors coursework and indicate which courses were honors level courses. Note that earning Latin honors upon graduation does not mean courses are retroactively considered ‘Honors’
Study Abroad: Applicants should identify completed coursework under a study abroad program. Study abroad coursework should be listed under the U.S. institution that sponsored the program. All courses must be designated as “study abroad.” Do not list study abroad coursework under a “Not Listed U.S./Canadian (foreign) Institution” or under the name of the foreign institution.
Advanced Placement/CLEP: Applicants should specify Advanced Placement/CLEP credit and indicate which courses were AP/CLEP level courses.
Coursework Verification
For applicants with coursework, after entering all coursework from official transcripts and submitting the application, the application will be placed in a queue for the coursework verification process. During this process, ADEA DHCAS will verify an applicant’s self-reported courses against all official transcripts. If course discrepancies or omissions are found, ADEA DHCAS will return the application to the applicant for corrections or explanation. Failure to properly enter all courses when the application is first submitted, or not making corrections as requested and then resubmitting the application, may result in processing delays and missed deadlines. ADEA DHCAS does not offer application fee refunds for missed deadlines due to coursework entry errors.