Wendi Clanton

Wendi Clanton Wendi Clanton_headshot

Wendi Clanton

Class of 2022 secretary

Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University


Wendi Clanton received her Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education from Brigham Young University. Upon graduation, she taught elementary school for eight years. After “retiring” from her teaching career, Ms. Clanton focused on raising her young children and running an online embroidery business. In 2014, Ms. Clanton went back to school at the University of North Georgia to work on her prerequisites to apply to dental school. She is currently in her third year at the Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University where she serves as her class secretary. After receiving her D.M.D., Ms. Clanton looks forward to working as a general dentist and being an advocate for better dental care for all people. She has been married to her husband Aaron, an elementary school physical education teacher, for 22 years, and they have three children, ages 18, 13 and 9. 

