HOD Resolutions

How Resolutions are Introduced and What Happens to Them
Procedures Regarding Resolutions:
  • Resolutions may be presented to the House of Delegates either by the Board of Directors or by any delegate in writing, up to and including the Opening of the House of Delegates.
  • Any Individual Member may submit a resolution to the Board of Directors by December 1 prior to the next ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition, which in its discretion may or may not choose to forward it for further consideration.
  • Resolutions not brought before the last Board of Directors meeting prior to the ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition may be introduced at the Opening of the House of Delegates and must be presented by a delegate.
  • Resolutions brought after the Opening of the House of Delegates cannot be considered by the House until the following year. The resolution can be sent immediately after the ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition to the ADEA President and CEO, who then presents it to the Board of Directors for consideration before the next ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition.
  • At its discretion, the Board of Directors may submit resolutions to an appropriate Association component group for advice before forwarding the resolution to the House of Delegates.
  • Annually, the Board of Directors appoints Reference Committee members to hold hearings at the ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition on resolutions being presented to the House of Delegates and to make recommendations on those resolutions upon request of the Board of Directors.
  • Resolutions proposing expenditure of Association funds must be accompanied by a cost impact statement estimating the amount of funds required and the period of expenditure. 
  • Resolutions proposing changes in the ADEA policies and Bylaws must specify how the ADEA Policy Statements, Position Papers and Bylaws would be affected.   
How to Write a Resolution for Consideration by the ADEA Board of Directors

Most resolutions presented to the ADEA House of Delegates are reviewed and deliberated by the ADEA Board of Directors prior to the House of Delegates meeting in March.

Some resolutions are brought to the floor of the House during the Opening Session of the ADEA House of Delegates.

Types of Resolutions

Any resolution must establish, amend or delete the Association’s policies and administrative procedures. Resolutions may deal with the Association’s administrative, procedural and business affairs, or they may deal with ADEA’s policies and public positions. Resolutions are not used to endorse or make recommendations. 

Please note that staff will assist members in drafting resolutions and estimating expenditures. 

Questions should be directed to Cynthia Carson, Governance Manager, at CarsonC@adea.org or (202) 238-3955.

Additionally, all resolutions that are submitted to the ADEA Board of Directors for the ADEA Board of Director’s possible submission to the ADEA House of Delegates must be sent by December 1 before the next ADEA House of Delegates Session via email to Cynthia Carson, ADEA Governance Manager, at CarsonC@adea.org or officially carrier stamped no later than December 1 prior to the next ADEA House of Delegates Session and mailed to Cynthia Carson, Governance Manager, ADEA, 655 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001.


Format of Resolutions

Resolutions must follow a specific format and ADEA staff will assign numbers. “Whereas” clauses should not be used. Instead, when necessary, a succinct background statement should precede the resolution. The following fictitious statement and resolution exemplifies the format of an ADEA resolution.
