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ADEA weTeach® originated from the work of the ADEA Council of Faculties (ADEA COF). The ADEA COF sought to improve online access to high quality teaching and learning resources for dental, allied dental and other health care faculty. ADEA weTeach was developed to provide practical “how to” information and best practices for teaching, learning and assessment, with an emphasis on helping new educators.


In June of 2014, the ADEA Board of Directors approved funding for the ADEA weTeach initiative. A consultant, Marcia M. Ditmyer, Ph.D., M.S., M.B.A., with AAL, was hired to help determine appropriate content areas and to draft a design for potential web pages. The most effective approach to maximize the impact and distribution of ADEA weTeach was to expand ADEA’s existing relationship with the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) MedEdPORTAL® site. 


In July 2015, Michelle Wheater, Ph.D., was named ADEA weTeach Associate Editor, and later that year the ADEA weTeach Advisory Group was established with representation from the ADEA Council of Faculties, ADEA Council of Allied Dental Program Directors and ADEA Council of Hospital and Advanced Education Programs. On March 11, 2016, the ADEA weTeach website officially opened and has been serving health educators ever since.
