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E-mails to Congressional Offices

Establish Your Standing

E-mails most likely to be read by members of Congress and their staffers are those from individuals who are personally affected by a specific policy or have knowledge of the impact of a policy. Of course, it also helps to mention that you are a constituent from that member’s district.

Tell a Personal Story

It is critical to tell a story in a compelling way. The goal is to communicate commitment to the issue, emotion, and fact.

Be Direct, Brief and Stay on "Message"

Be clear about what you want from your legislator: What action is needed? What is your specific “ask”? You must be specific with your request. Explain why you need your lawmaker’s support. If there is legislation, refer to it by bill number or specifically by name.

Include Relevant, Local Data

Bring the issue “home.” Tell your lawmaker how your position affects his/her district or state. Use local case examples that humanize and put a public face on your issue. Supply facts that are relevant to the district or state to back up your position. Lawmakers need reliable data on the impact of proposed policies on their constituents. Finally, attach a one-page fact sheet for your lawmaker and staff summarizing your position and your request. Always end the e-mail by thanking your lawmaker for their time, and noting that you look forward to his/her reply or response.
