ADEA Council of Students, Residents and Fellows/Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Junior Faculty Award
For Students
- Crest Oral-B Scholarships for Dental Hygiene Students Pursuing Academic Careers
- Crest Oral-B Scholarships for Predoctoral Dental Students Pursuing Academic Careers
- ADEA Dr. Jeanne C. Sinkford Student Leadership Award
- ADEA/Haleon Preventive Dentistry Scholarships
- ADEA/MouthWatch Patti DiGangi Scholarship for Dental Hygiene Innovation
- ADEA/MouthWatch Predoctoral Dental Student Scholarship for Innovation
- ADEA/Sigma Phi Alpha Linda DeVore Scholarship
For Dental Educators
- Bell Leadership Institute Achievers Program
- ADEA Dr. Jeanne C. Sinkford Faculty Leadership Award
- ADEA Council of Students, Residents and Fellows/Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Junior Faculty Award
- ADEA/Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Excellence in Teaching Award
- ADEA Enid A. Neidle Scholar-in-Residence Program
- ADEA/Gillette Hayden Memorial Foundation/AAWD Woman Dentist Tuition Scholarship
- ADEA Leadership Institute Alumni Association Award to Honor Jack Bresch
- ADEA Leadership Institute Phase V Leadership Development Tuition Scholarship
For Leadership Institute Fellows
- ADEA/AADOCR/Colgate-Palmolive Co. Dr. Dominick P. DePaola Scholar in the ADEA Leadership Institute
- ADEA/ADEAGies Foundation Drs. Connie L. and Richard R. Drisko Scholar in the ADEA Leadership Institute
- The ADEA/Foundation for Endodontics Scholar in the ADEA Leadership Institute
- ADEA/American College of Dentists Dr. Jerome Bright Miller Scholars in the ADEA Leadership Institute
- ADEA/Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals, Inc./National Dental Association Dr. Jeanne C. Sinkford Scholar in the ADEA Leadership Institute
For any questions, please contact the ADEA Office of Learning at ProfessionalDevelopment@adea.org.
The American Dental Education Association (ADEA), the ADEA Council of Students, Residents and Fellows (ADEA COSRF) and Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals, Inc. wish to recognize outstanding junior faculty who demonstrate excellence in teaching, research and service and a commitment to oral health education. Junior faculty represent a unique group of educators who symbolize the future of oral health education. Often, the contributions made by these faculty go unnoticed, influencing faculty retention. This award acknowledges the accomplishments of junior faculty and promotes awareness of the needs and talents of this distinct group of educators.
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The recipient will receive a $2,500 award to be used to enhance their teaching, research and service efforts.
The award will be announced at the 2025 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition in National Harbor, MD, March 8-11, 2025.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicants are to be initially identified and recognized within individual institutions or programs of dental and allied dental education. Ideally, the identification and recognition of candidates will be coordinated by the local ADEA Chapter. If an ADEA Chapter does not exist, it is recommended that the institution either establish a Junior Faculty Award nomination review committee (comprised of ADEA COSRF representative(s), ADEA Council of Faculties or Council of Allied Dental Program Directors representatives, and the dean) or convene an existing committee that includes a student representative.
The final selection will be made by a national selection committee comprised of representatives from the ADEA Council of Students, Residents and Fellows, the ADEA Council of Faculties, the ADEA Council of Deans, the ADEA Council of Allied Dental Program Directors, and an officer of the ADEA Board of Directors and the ADEA President and CEO (ex officio).
An applicant must:
- Demonstrate excellence in teaching, research or service.
- Demonstrate a commitment to cultivating a humanistic and inclusive environment.
- Hold a full-time predoctoral, allied dental or advanced dental education faculty appointment at an ADEA Member Institution for no more than five years.
- Have no more than five years of experience in academia.
- Be an ADEA Individual Member.
Application Deadline
All applications must be submitted online by Sept. 19, 2024. Applications will not be considered if they are incomplete or submitted after Sept. 12, 2024.
Application Process Checklist
The following items must be submitted by Sept. 19, 2024, using the ADEA online application process:
- The completed ADEA/ADEA Council of Students, Residents and Fellows/Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Junior Faculty Award Student Nomination Form.
It is to be completed by the institution’s ADEA COSRF representative or student committee member detailing the applicant's contribution to teaching, research and service. Applicants will be asked in the online application to provide the name and email address of the student representative who will submit the nomination form on their behalf.
- A letter of nomination from the chair of the institution’s Junior Faculty Award nomination committee (or existing committee that includes a student representative), department chair, OR program director. Applicants will be asked in the online application to provide the name and email address of the nominator who will submit the letter on their behalf.
- A personal statement from the applicant describing their philosophy of teaching, research and service and their contributions to the mission of the dental school or allied dental program.
- A curriculum vitae.
- A signature by the authorized signatory (must be the dental school dean or allied dental program director) on the ADEA Awards, Scholarships and Fellowships Application form.
Notification Date and Award Announcement
The award recipient will be notified by Dec. 12, 2024.
An award and commemorative certificate will be presented to the award recipient at the 2025 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition, March 8-11, 2025, in National Harbor, MD.
Dr. Ivy Lin, University of Washington School of Dentistry
Dr. Chenshuang Li, University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine
Prof. Emily Ludwig, Old Dominion University College of Health Sciences School of Dental Hygiene
Dr. Lorel Burns, NYU College of Dentistry
Dr. Jacqueline Burgette, University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine
Dr. Karren Komitas, University of Texas School of Dentistry at Houston
Dr. Faizan Kabani, Texas A&M University College of Dentistry, Caruth School of Dental Hygiene
Dr. Edmund Khoo, New York University College of Dentistry
Dr. Jennifer Perkins, University of California, San Francisco School of Dentistry
Dr. Georgios Maroulakos, Marquette University School of Dentistry
Dr. Amy C. Killeen, University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry
Dr. Anita Joy, Southern Illinois University
Dr. Jompobe Vuthiganon, Medical University of South Carolina
Dr. Sophia Saeed, University of California, San Francisco
Dr. Berna Saglik, University of Michigan
Dr. Natasha Flake, University of Washington
Dr. Lee Warren Boushell, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Dr. Paul S. Tiwana, University of Louisville
Dr. Sharon Lanning, Virginia Commonwealth University
Dr. Susan Hyde, University of California, San Francisco
Dr. Swee-Chian Tan, University of Iowa
Dr. Andres Pinto, University of Pennsylvania