Thomas Nowlin Award

Thomas F. Nowlin Award for Outstanding Performance

The ADEA Council of Sections (COS) Thomas F. Nowlin Award for Outstanding Performance by a Section recognizes a Section for exceptional demonstrated activities above and beyond the requirements throughout the year.

Dr. Thomas F. Nowlin served in several roles within the council, including Chair of Sections. He was well known in the council for his collegiality, positive attitude, creativity, honor, ethics and dedication to the craft of dental education. Thus, in 2006, the award was named after Dr. Nowlin to honor his memory, contributions and leadership in the ADEA COS.

Selection process

Each section is required to submit its Annual Report no later than July 1 of each year. Each ADEA COS Administrative Board member evaluates the reports of his or her assigned groups, ranks them based on the selection criteria and nominates one group for consideration to receive the award. The ADEA COS Administrative Board serves as the selection committee for this award.

Note: On-time submission of annual reports is required for nomination.

Selection criteria

The following criteria, provided in the annual report template, will be used in the selection process.

  • Annual program.
  • Members forum.
  • External activities.
  • Communications.
  • Collaborations, special assignments and projects.
  • Attendance.
  • Goals for the coming year.
Notification date and announcement
The recipient of the ADEA COS Thomas F. Nowlin Award for Outstanding Performance by a Section is announced and recognized during the ADEA COS Members’ Meeting during the ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition.
Past award recipients

ADEA Section on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

ADEA Section on Practice Management

ADEA Section on Academic Affairs

ADEA Section on Pediatric Dentistry
ADEA Section on Community, Preventive and Public Health Dentistry

ADEA Section on Addiction Education

ADEA Section on Operative Dentistry and Biomaterials

ADEA Section on Dental Assisting Education

ADEA Section on Cariology

ADEA Section on Educational Research, Development and Curriculum

ADEA Section on Endodontics

ADEA Section on Orthodontics

ADEA Section on Anatomical Sciences

ADEA Section on Biochemistry, Nutrition, and Microbiology

ADEA Section on Minority Affairs

ADEA Section on Dental Informatics

ADEA Section on Dental Hygiene

ADEA Section on Anatomical Sciences
ADEA Section on Gerontology and Geriatrics Education

ADEA Section on Business and Financial Administration
ADEA Section on Clinic Administration
ADEA Section on Periodontics

ADEA Section on Dental Hygiene Education
ADEA Section on Operative Dentistry

ADEA Section on Educational Research, Development and Curriculum
ADEA Sections on Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics

ADEA Staff Liaison

Any additional questions may be directed to the ADEA COS Project Pool Committee chair or the ADEA COS Staff Liaison.
