COS Program Fund

ADEA Council of Sections Program Fund Committee Standard Operating Procedures

The ADEA Council of Sections (ADEA COS) Program Fund is designed to enhance and expand programming at the ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition. This fund allows ADEA Sections and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to present new and innovative topics from highly qualified speakers with the expectation of enhancing the quality of programming.

The fund is intended to spur competitive program proposals from Sections and SIGs that support the ADEA mission, core values and strategic directions beyond the normal resources and to incentivize joint programming with weight being given to collaborative proposals among multiple Sections and/or SIGs.

Review and Selection Process

The ADEA COS Program Fund Committee is specifically charged with reviewing applications for quality and relevance and making recommendations for acceptance and final approval by the  ADEA Annual Session Program Committee (ASPC).

The ADEA COS Program Fund Committee works closely with the ADEA COS Administrative Board Liaison to the Committee to ensure timely review and to keep the Council abreast of all activities related to the Program Fund.

Timeline of Program Fund Activities

June 1

Deadline for application submissions—this date is coordinated based on the ASPC Call for Programs deadline. Session proposals seeking Program Fund support must submit to BOTH the ASPC and the COS Program Fund Committee by the June 1 deadline.


  • Submissions are peer-reviewed and scored


  • Peer-review scores are reviewed by the ASPC. Those seeking Program Fund support are also reviewed by the Program Fund Committee
  • Program Fund Committee notifies the COS Administrative Board of its recommendations prior to the ASPC Adjudication meeting in July.


  • COS Program Fund Committee representative presents recommendations to the ASPC on which Program Fund submissions to accept
  • The ASPC votes to either:
    1. Accept the recommendation in full.
    2. Accept the recommendation with modifications or
    3. Decline the recommendation in full.


  • All submitters are notified of the ASPC and Program Fund Committee’s decisions

October (during ADEA Fall Meetings)

  • Chair (or designated committee member) provides an update to the council.
Who May Apply?

Only the designated Program Coordinator for each Section or SIG may apply for funding for a program to be held at the ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition. Other ADEA councils, ADEA Individual Members or Individual Members of a Section or SIG are not eligible to apply.

Applications will be reviewed using the ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition rubrics, found in the Call for Programs, and the following criteria:

  • Potential impact of the program on dental education;
  • Relevance of the program to the theme or professional development goals of the ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition;
  • Relevance to the ADEA strategic directions;
  • Collaboration with other Sections, SIGs and Councils. Proposals that involve multiple Sections and SIGs will be more favorably considered;
  • Scientific evidence and merit of the proposed program; and
  • The credentials of the proposed speakers and presenters for the proposed program.
Application Process
  • To apply, complete and submit the  COS Program Fund Application (DOC) to ADEA Staff Liaison to the ADEA COS no later than June 1.

  • You must also submit your programming proposal through the Annual Session Call for Programs process. 

  • You should use the same abstract for both submissions.

  • There is no limit on the number of Program Fund proposals that will be considered. Late applications will not be considered.

  • Notification emails are sent to educational session submitters by September.
Funding Disbursement

All presenters will be reimbursed for approved expenses after the completion of their speaking engagement.

To complete the disbursement of funding for your presenter, the following documentation is due to ADEA within 10 days after the meeting:

  1. A copy of the Program Fund approval letter and approved budget and
  2. A completed ADEA expense reimbursement form, completed and signed by the approved program presenter, accompanied by receipts. Scanned copies of the reimbursement form and receipts are acceptable. The total expense may not exceed the approved funding amount.

Submit all documentation to the ADEA COS Staff Liaison. Reimbursement of expenses may take up to four weeks for processing. Unused funds are not eligible for reallocation to another budget line item.

NOTE: All program funds must be used for the stated purpose of the program.

Funding and Reimbursement Guidelines

The maximum allowable amount per program is $3,000. Presenters approved to receive funding from the ADEA COS Program Fund are eligible to receive the following reimbursements based on their appropriate category:

  • For expert presenters who are non-ADEA members and non-U.S./Canadian dental educators—People who either do not have an academic appointment or are not administrators in a dental education program and who have an academic appointment in dental education programs outside of the U.S. and Canadian territories are eligible to receive the following:

  •  Speaker Fee*Professional speaker fee (if applicable); cannot request with Honorarium
     Honorarium*Maximum $500 (upon request); cannot request with speaker fee
     RegistrationEarly-bird, one-day registration only; Apply 5% increase from the previous year fee
     Airfare (coach class only)Up to $650 
     LodgingUp to two nights stay at ADEA conference hotel only 

    Breakfast: Max $15/day, including tip
    Lunch: Max $20/day, including tip
    Dinner: Max $45/day, including tip

    * Presenters are not eligible for both a professional speaker fee and an honorarium.

  • For expert presenters who are ADEA members—ADEA members who are attending the full meeting, presenting at an ADEA COS program and funded by the ADEA COS Program Fund are eligible to receive the following:

     LodgingOne-night stay at ADEA conference hotel only

    Breakfast: Max $15/day, including tip
    Lunch: Max $20/day, including tip
    Dinner: Max $45/day, including tip

    * Presenters who are ADEA members are not eligible for professional speaker fee and an honorarium.

ADEA Staff Liaison

Submissions and inquiries should be directed to
Sara Bendoraitis at
