Create an Account

The response you type will appear in your application exactly as you type it. Using all capital letters or not capitalizing properly does not present a professional image to your application.

Enter the title currently affiliated with you (e.g., Ms., Mr., Dr., etc.).

First Name, Last Name, and Middle Initial
Enter your name in the correct order.

Enter the suffix affiliated with your name, if applicable (e.g., Jr., Sr.)

This is a unique identifier for applicants and students involved with the U.S. education system and standardized testing programs. Click here to obtain your DENTPIN ®

Email Address
Enter your email address. It is important that this address is correct. Providing an incorrect email address will result in you not receiving important messages from ADEA CAAPID.

User Name
Enter a username that will be used on this website, using up to 15 alpha or numeric characters. Your username is used to log in and access your ADEA CAAPID application.

Create a unique password that is 6 to 10 characters long. Use only letters and numbers. The password is case-sensitive. Try to create a password that is easy to remember, but not easily guessed by others. Your password will be used to log in and access your ADEA CAAPID application.

Security Question and Answer
Select a security question from the pulldown menu, and then provide your answer. Select a question and answer that are personal and not easily guessed by others. This security question and answer will be used to help identify you, for example, if you forget your password.