Presenters Corner
2025 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition Presenters Corner
Whether you have spoken at ADEA meetings in the past or are new to the scene, we want you to have everything you need to create and deliver a successful educational session at the 2025 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition in National Harbor, MD.
Presenter Registration and Travel
- Presenters and co-presenters are responsible for all conference-related expenses, including registration fees and the cost of travel, lodging and meals. Registration is not discounted for presenters.
- All presenters are required to register for the meeting in advance. Presenters planning to register at the ADEA membership rate should complete their annual membership renewal in advance of registration, allowing ample processing time.
Accepted Proposals
- ADEA reserves the right to combine similar sessions, to change titles and descriptions or to add presenters as necessary. Submitters will be notified of any changes and given the opportunity to modify their programs accordingly.
- Sessions can be scheduled at any time during the 2025 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition, and presenters must be available during its duration.
- Presentations must match the descriptions originally submitted; accepted abstracts will be used in marketing materials and will contribute to attendee expectations.
- Presentations must observe copyright and trademark rules.
Educational Sessions
Preparing Educational Sessions
- Electronic participant materials are required for all accepted educational sessions, because they help reinforce what is presented.
- ADEA will make resource materials available online for registered attendees.
- Examples of participant resource materials include copies of your presentation slides (with room for note-taking), lists of recommended reading and resources or inventories of websites. The best materials are ones that participants can refer to long after the session ends, such as case studies with solutions, samples and templates.
During the Annual Session:
- Audiovisual equipment will be set up for you on the day of your presentation, according to your presentation format.
- Presenters must arrive at their session rooms 15 minutes prior to the start of the session to check audiovisual equipment and room set-up.
- ADEA does not produce printed handouts. Presenters who elect to provide handouts are responsible for their production, costs and distribution.
- Electronic participant materials (i.e., participant handouts) are not required for poster presentations.
Poster Presentations
Preparing Posters
- Arrange to have your poster printed on professional semi-gloss photo paper through a private printing company.
- Posters are presented on boards that are four-feet-high by eight-feet-wide. The workable space is 46" high x 94" wide.
- Authors will be notified in advance of the identification number of their poster.
- Authors have complete freedom to display poster information in figures, tables, text, photographs, etc.
- Presentations must cover the same material as the abstracts.
- Prepare a label to affix at the top of the poster board, indicating the poster’s title and author(s).
- Briefly describe procedures and materials. Define all trade names first, and then use generic names throughout. All compounds and drugs must be identified.
- Prepare all illustrations neatly and legibly beforehand, in a size sufficient to be read at a distance of eight feet.
- A series of word-processed pages attached to the poster board is not an acceptable poster.
- Electronic presentations are not permitted.
Using Accessible Text:
Is your poster legible from three to six feet away?
- Title: The
font size for poster titles should be at least 72 points (example
below). Titles should be readable from six feet away to catch the
reader’s attention.
M.B.A. - Block Text/Body Text: A
font size of 36 points is ideal for block text (example below); body
text should be at least 24 to 36 points.
M.B.A. - Line Spacing: Using between 1.2 and 2.0 line spacing allows the reader greater ease in moving from line to line.
- Font: Use non-decorative fonts and avoid using multiple fonts. Sans serif fonts (e.g., Arial) are easier to read than serif fonts (e.g., Times New Roman).
- Font color: Black text with a white background is ideal and proves to be more readable. Other colors are accepted, this is only a recommendation.
- Make sure there aren’t too many lines per text block.
Using Graphics:
- Be sure that the image resolution is correct for large printing. As a general rule, use 300 dpi (dots per inch) images. Avoid copying and pasting images from websites that are below 250Kb.
- Label or use captions for all images.
- Are the images appropriate for your content?
- Don’t avoid using images! Use them in a creative manner to draw the audience to your message.
- Use graphics, such as pie charts and line graphs, appropriately with a clear explanation of the data being used.
- Do not place images over text; this will distract the reader.
Poster Layout:
Make sure your information flows in a logical order and is easy to follow. Below is an example of a well-displayed poster:
During the Annual Session:
- Posters will be hung and displayed during scheduled times and must be removed after presentation times.
- ADEA will supply poster board easels and thumbtacks or push pins. Do not use staples or tape. No other audiovisual equipment is provided for poster presentations.
- ADEA is not responsible for posters or materials left on boards after the stated hours.
- A presenter must remain with the poster display for the entire two-hour scheduled period.
- For security measures, only registered poster presenters will be allowed on the Exhibit Hall floor to set up their posters during stated setup and teardown times. Ribbons must be worn to gain access to the floor. You will receive your ribbon when you check in on-site.
- Posters printed, laminated and ready for onsite pickup: Send your files digitally and pick up your poster on site at the ADEA poster pickup desk. Once your presentation is finished, return your poster to the pickup desk for recycling or we can coordinate return shipping anywhere in the contiguous United States. Order from R-P Presentations by Jan. 26 for the best rates and use the promo code EARLYBIRD. Otherwise, order by March 2 (last day for guaranteed delivery) and use the promo code ADEADISC. For questions or more information, please visit R-P Presentations or email Service@MTGposters.com.