JDE Highlights: November and December

The following are highlights from the November and December 2022 issues of the Journal of Dental Education. The contents include an article on addressing impostor feelings in dental students and a study of mental health and resilience in dental students. Additional articles are also listed below. Additionally, the December online supplement of Advancing Through Innovation articles published between January and June 2022 is now online.

To access the full content of online articles, go to www.jdentaled.org and follow the prompts.

Evaluation of Mindfulness Practice in Mitigating Impostor Feelings in Dental Students
Preparing for Implementation of an Entrustable Professional Activity Assessment Framework

A Cross-Sectional Study Investigating Mental Health and Resilience Among Pre-Doctoral Students at a US Dental School
Financial Assessment of the Community-Based Dental Education Program at the Indiana University School of Dentistry

Published on January 11, 2023