NYU College of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Students Win Poster Presentation

In November 2022, both dental hygiene students from NYU who presented at the New York State Dental Hygienists’ Association Empire Conference were winners in the Student Informative Poster Presentation. The conference was held in Rochester, NY.

Liam Fomin won first place for his poster Current Strategies in Providing Oral Care for Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder. He was mentored by Profs. Dianne Sefo, RDH, M.Ed., and Rina A. Nowka, RDH, M.A.

Effie Koleros won third place for her poster Talk it Out: Strategies for the Dental Hygienist for Educating the Adolescent Patient on the Harms of Vaping. She was mentored by Prof. Marija Cahoon, RDH, M.S.

Congratulations Liam and Effie! 

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Courtesy of Rina A. Nowka, RDH, M.A., Clinical Instructor and Student Professional Development Coordinator, NYU College of Dentistry Department of Dental Hygiene and Dental Assisting

Published on January 11, 2023