Positions Available—April 2023

Apply today! There are nine positions in four states and one province highlighted below for April 2023.

The University of Iowa College of Dentistry & Dental Clinics
Faculty (Clinical Track), Clinic Administration

Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
Chair, Prosthodontics 
Chair, Craniofacial Translational Research and Associate Dean, Research
Postgraduate Program Director, Periodontology

The Maurice H. Kornberg School of Dentistry Temple University
Faculty (Full Time), Comprehensive Clinical Care
Faculty and Practitioner (Full Time, Board Certified), Pediatric Dentistry

Saskatchewan, Canada
University of Saskatchewan College of Dentistry
Faculty (Full Time, Tenure Track), Prosthodontics
Assistant Professor (Full Time, Tenure Track), Operative/Restorative Dentistry

Marquette University School of Dentistry
Dean, School of Dentistry

Published on April 12, 2023