ADEA Publishes Online JDE Supplement of Advancing Through Innovation Articles

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, we found ourselves in a period of rapid change. The dramatic transformation wrought by the pandemic altered daily lives, strained our health systems, and forced us to change the way we transfer knowledge and skills to the next generation of health care providers. As a result, great minds in our academic institutions sprang into action and piloted new and innovative approaches to health professions education. 

Because we needed to share information quickly and assess what was effective and what was not, in April 2020 the Journal of Dental Education (JDE) launched a new type of article: Advancing Through Innovation. These short articles are scholarly insights that are not completed research, yet they meet our standards of originality, clarity of approach and significance through a rapid peer-review process. The goal is to present a problem, describe how it was addressed and discuss the lessons learned from the experience in order to help others replicate, refine or redirect the approach to similar problems in their local environments.

The response from authors was beyond our expectations, and we present the first online supplement containing 125 Advancing Through Innovation articles published between April and December 2020. We are very excited about this new article format and hope it enables the JDE to continue sharing great ideas.

Published on July 14, 2021