Helping Dental Organizations Communicate With Their Members and Publics

AADEJ LogoNever has it been more critical for dental organizations to communicate with their diverse constituencies across a rapidly evolving range of platforms. The American Association of Dental Editors and Journalists (AADEJ) exists for the single purpose of bringing together those who see the opportunities here. This is an invitation for you to work with us.

We have both organizational and individual members and build communication by

  •  Networking.
  • Providing “how to” resources for print, digital and meeting communication.
  • Offering training through both general continuing education (CE) programs and structured skill building material.
  • Recognizing publications that maintain high standards through our seal program.
  • Promoting standards, including a code of ethics for editors.
  • Recognizing excellence through awards.
  • Consulting with groups for self-study.
  • Offering a Certified Dental Editor designation for those who complete a series of CE programs.

AADE (now AADEJ) was founded in 1931 by the American College of Dentists (ACD). It then became independent and was guided by the American Dental Association until recently. This year we are returning to our roots and a broader mission as a section of ACD as many of our members are ACD fellows. It is recognized that schools have more fully developed and diverse communication capabilities and challenges than do some of our other members. AADEJ is the community where these capabilities are shared and built across the profession. 

Our relationship with schools is recognized through our Meskin Student Journalism Award and the joint ADEA/AADEJ Gies Editorial Award. In fact, the entire seed corpus for ADEA’s current Gies award program was launched in the 1930s by AADE and ACD to support the efforts of William Gies, Ph.D., with the Journal of Dental Research

The Board of Directors of AADEJ has agreed to a trial membership structure that blends the organization and individual categories. The structure now includes more than faculty—roles such as graphic and web designers, fundraisers, and especially student and alumni outreach roles that might not have a base in ADEA. Each school would be an organization member and have one designated contact person. All others in the school, regardless of their communication function, would be included under that umbrella. The dues are $395 per year, the same as state and component societies in organized dentistry. Dues can be paid via PayPal on our website at or by check mailed to P.O. Box 511, Sonoma, CA 95476.

Please share this invitation with the key individuals at your program. For more about the AADEJ, visit our website at Or contact Executive Director David W. Chambers, Ed.M., M.B.A., Ph.D., at or 707-225-5967. Ask about the Kit for Webinars for Small Groups.

Published on June 9, 2021