Defining a New Track?A Strategic Focus for UBC Dentistry

The University of British Columbia Faculty of Dentistry (UBC Dentistry) strategic plan, Trailblazers in Oral Health in BC and Beyond, not only guides our decisions but also addresses the shift in landscape that impacts us all and allows us to make progress while inspiring the very best in our students, faculty, staff, alumni and community partners.

Mario Brondani, D.D.S., M.Sc., M.P.H., Ph.D.

In January, two new leadership appointments were announced—a Director of Community Engagement and a Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. The priority of these new appointments is to oversee and define the Faculty’s objectives related to community engagement and diversity, equity and inclusion, and will chair two new Faculty of Dentistry Advisory committees on the subjects.

The new Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is Mario Brondani, D.D.S., M.Sc., M.P.H., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Oral Health Sciences. Dr. Brondani will lead UBC Dentistry’s efforts to enhance and connect initiatives related to diversity, equity, inclusion and antiracism within our Faculty to those across UBC, and beyond. The Faculty is committed to broadening diversity and inclusion within our programs and our faculty, staff and student cohorts, overcoming any past failures and fighting racism on a much broader basis. Dr. Brondani will liaise with program directors and students to develop and improve curriculum content related to DEI; ensure dentistry is in alignment with larger University of British Columbia initiatives; survey faculty, staff and students related to UBC culture; and identify priorities and seminar programming through consequences and shared governance.

Leeann Donnelly, B.D.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.

The new Director of Community Engagement is Leeann Donnelly, B.D.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Oral Biological and Medical Sciences. In this role, Dr. Donnelly will oversee the prioritization of aims with our engagement core focus area, determining future needs and resource allocations. Initially, she will focus on organization of the agreements with program community sites, liaise with the D.M.D., DHDP and graduate program directors to identify and develop opportunities for student rotations, enhance professional collaborations and scholarly activities in the community, standardize student placement agreements, and manage the Memorandums of Understanding for community sites. She will also lead efforts to coordinate working with special care populations and assist with community curriculum in collaboration with instructors and coordinators. Through her work, Dr. Donnelly will also develop relations with community organizations, Aboriginal communities, local health authorities and other UBC Faculties. 

As trailblazers in dental education, our collective vision is to continue to define and develop a safe and healthy space for all members of our dental community.

Courtesy of Kathryn Booth, Communications Coordinator, University of British Columbia Faculty of Dentistry 

Published on April 14, 2021