MedEdPORTAL? Update: June 2021

MedEdPORTAL® and ADEA invite educators to submit stand-alone teaching or learning modules that have been tested in the classroom, preclinical laboratory or clinic educational materials that aim to improve patient care. The learners must include training or practicing physicians or dentists (e.g., professional school, residency, faculty development, continuing professional development) and may include trainees or practitioners across the health professions.

MedEdPORTAL’s vision is to:

  • Serve as the premier clearinghouse of high-quality, peer-reviewed health education tools;
  • Promote interprofessional collaboration by facilitating the open exchange of educational resources across the health professions; and
  • Equip health professionals across the continuum with effective and efficient educational resources to improve patient care.

Special Collections
In addition to general submissions focused on dental and medical education, MedEdPORTAL invites authors to submit their works for publication to the following Special Collections:

Call for Submissions: Emerging Didactic and Clinical Technologies in Dental Education Collection
The number of emerging technologies that have the potential to improve educational delivery and patient care in dental medicine is expanding at a rapid rate. Academic dentistry should be leading efforts in this area to advance clinically focused teaching and promote research into innovations intended to improve patient outcomes. Examples include genomic dental medicine, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, advanced diagnostic technologies, classroom learning technologies, virtual reality, computer-assisted design/computer-assisted manufacturing, robotics, digital treatment planning, emerging technologic approaches to disease diagnosis and management, biomaterial engineering, electronic health record advances and artificial intelligence. Incorporating these emerging didactic and clinical technologies into the classroom is critical to the education of future dentists.

For questions related to this Call for Submissions, please contact Paul C. Edwards, D.D.S., M.Sc., MedEdPORTAL Associate Editor, at

Call for Submissions: Diversity, Inclusion, and Health Equity Collection
MedEdPORTAL’s Diversity, Inclusion and Health Equity Collection, co-sponsored with ADEA, features peer-reviewed educational resources for educators to advance institutional efforts in creating a diverse and inclusive culture and climate for all in order to drive clinical, educational, research and service excellence. 

Featured MedEdPORTAL Publications
Highlights of recent MedEdPORTAL publications of interest to the dental education community. These resources, selected by Dr. Edwards, MedEdPORTAL’s Associate Editor for ADEA, cover a range of topics published as stand-alone teaching or learning modules that have been implemented and evaluated in health education settings.

Words Matter: An Antibias Workshop for Health Care Professionals to Reduce Stigmatizing Language
Julia Raney, M.D.; Ria Pal, M.D.; Tiffany Lee, M.D.; Samuel Ricardo Saenz, M.D. M.P.H.; Devika Bhushan, M.D.; Peter Leahy, M.D.; Carrie Johnson, M.B.A.; Cynthia Kapphahn, M.D., M.P.H.; Michael A. Gisondi, M.D.; Kim Hoang, M.D.

In the health care setting, biased language negatively impacts patients’ perceptions of the quality of their care and decreases motivation to follow through with treatment. The authors describe the implementation of an antibias workshop that addresses stigmatizing language in both medical records and in the clinical setting by means of a 90-minute workshop. This educational module includes a full complement of resources needed to implement this workshop in the health care setting, including a facilitator’s guide and detailed agenda, a PowerPoint presentation containing presenter notes and an overview of biased language, a written dialogue for a simulated case presentation demonstrating the use of biased language in the clinical setting, and a Mindful Language Toolkit that provides an overview of important questions to consider, a comparison of attitudes that communicate bias versus neutrality in the written medical record and general tips. The workshop is supplemented by the inclusion of instructions for facilitating group discussions to practice these new skills.

Avoiding Death by Meeting: An Interactive Workshop for Academic Faculty Highlighting Strategies to Facilitate Effective Team MeetingsSarah Merriam, M.D., M.S.; Allison DeKosky, M.D.; Andrew Klein, M.D., M.S.; Jennifer Rodriguez, M.D., M.S.; Melissa McNeil, M.D., M.P.H.; Anna Donovan, M.D., M.S.

Effective team meetings are critical for organizational development. However, many meetings in the university and health care setting re of limited effectiveness. The authors developed a workshop to introduce health care leaders to the skills needed to effectively lead various types of team meetings, encourage engagement, and troubleshoot challenging personalities. This educational module comprises a complete set of resources needed to implement this workshop, including a facilitator guide, a detailed presenter agenda, PowerPoint slide decks and videos highlighting ineffective practices for use in facilitating interactive small-group discussions and a concluding video demonstrating best practices and strategies. 

Virtual Interactive Case-Based Education (VICE): A Conference for Deliberate Practice of Diagnostic Reasoning
Alexander A. Logan, M.D.; Mayuree Rao, M.D.; Paul B. Cornia, M.D.; Scott L. Hagan, M.D.; Thomas A. Newman, M.D.; Jeffrey W. Redinger, M.D.; Jessica Woan, M.D.; Tyler J. Albert, M.D.

Developing diagnostic reasoning skills in the health care student is critical to reducing diagnostic errors. The authors established a facilitator-led virtual interactive case-based educational conference (VICE) model for practicing diagnostic reasoning skills and helping the student clinician examine how biases can affect the development of a differential diagnosis. The authors modeled their approach on the New England Journal of Medicine’s weekly “Clinical Problem Solving” case series. This education module includes a written facilitator guide and video with detailed instructions and tips for implementing this educational approach, a series of 20 internal medicine-focused PowerPoint cases and a template for developing additional clinical case scenarios.

MedEdPORTAL is a peer-reviewed journal of teaching and learning resources in the health professions published by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), in partnership with the American Dental Education Association.

Published on June 9, 2021