Dr. Linda Boyd Appointed to JDE Editorial Review Board

Linda Boyd, RDH, RD, Ed.D.
Linda Boyd, RDH, RD, Ed.D., Professor and Associate Dean of Graduate Studies at the MCPHS Forsyth School of Dental Hygiene, has been appointed to a three-year term on the Journal of Dental Education Editorial Review Board.

Dr. Boyd has experience in a variety of research methodologies, including both qualitative and quantitative. She has been published widely in a number of journals including the Journal of Dental Education (JDE), Journal of Dental Hygiene, Journal of Public Health Dentistry, and European Journal of Dental Education. She serves as a peer reviewer for the JDE and as many as a dozen other peer-reviewed journals. This extensive experience has given her a broad perspective on the expectations of manuscripts submitted for peer review. Her background in education as faculty in predoctoral, entry-level dental hygiene and graduate dental hygiene programs has given her a perspective on the issues these programs encounter.

Published on March 10, 2021