Academic Administrators, Apply for the IPEC Leadership Development Program

Top academic administrators should apply today for the 2021 Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) Interprofessional Leadership Development Program (ILDP).

Facilitated by the Academy for Advancing Leadership (AAL), the 2021 IPEC ILDP engages both senior leaders and administrators responsible for the development, implementation and evaluation of campus-wide IPE programs.

The 2021 IPEC ILDP, After the Disruptive Events of 2020: The Leader’s Role in Creating the Future of Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice, will be held virtually June 8-10.

Interested candidates must apply online by Tuesday, April 20.

Deans and senior administrators from multiple schools at the same institution are strongly encouraged to attend along with their campus-wide IPE administrator.

View the program agenda, see speaker bios and register on the IPEC website today.

Published on March 10, 2021