ADEA Announces Dr. Nader A. Nadershahi Chair-elect of the 2021-22 ADEA Board of Directors

Nader A. Nadershahi, D.D.S., M.B.A., Ed.D., was appointed Chair-elect by the ADEA House of Delegates on March 13, 2021. Dr. Nadershahi began his term as Chair-elect of the ADEA Board of Directors on April 30, 2021.

Dr. Nadershahi is Dean of the University of the Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry. He has been an ADEA member since 2002 and has served ADEA in the House of Delegates and the Council of Faculties, Council of Sections and Council of Deans, where he recently completed a term as Chair.

In his nominee statement, Dr. Nadershahi acknowledged that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted students, residents, fellows, faculty, staff, graduates and communities. However, crisis also presents opportunities, and he noted “You have many stories of innovation, creativity and inspiration that will help us build stronger learning communities. This is the opportunity to build on our legacy. I look forward to sharing your ideas and suggestions. Together, we will build on our shared vision for ADEA to grow a well-prepared and diverse oral health workforce that is improving the health of individuals and communities. Together we will shape the “next normal” for oral health and oral health education for another 100 years of success in ADEA’s story. 

In addition, ADEA welcomes the following members to the 2021-22 ADEA Board of Directors.

  • Lawrence Schnuck begins his term as Board Director for the ADEA Corporate Council. Mr. Schnuck is the Vice President, Senior Principal Higher Education Team Leader for Kahler Slater.
  • James R. Lott, D.M.D., continues his term as Board Director for the ADEA Council of Faculties.
  • Manavi Nagai, M.S., begins her term as Board Director for the ADEA Council of Students, Residents and Fellows. Ms. Nagai is a predoctoral student at Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine.
  • Amy Coplen, RDH, M.S., continues her term as Board Director for Allied Dental Program Directors.
  • Steven W. Friedrichsen, D.D.S., continues his term as Board Director for Deans.
  • Gregory M. Ness, D.D.S., continues his term as Board Director for Advanced Education Programs.
  • Laura Romito, D.D.S., M.S., M.B.A., continues her term as Board Director for Sections.

Published on May 12, 2021