Take Advantage of ADEA Professional Development Opportunities
- Application Services
- Events
- Programs
Scholarships, Awards and Fellowships
For Students
- Crest Oral-B Scholarships for Dental Hygiene Students Pursuing Academic Careers
- Crest Oral-B Scholarships for Predoctoral Dental Students Pursuing Academic Careers
- ADEA Dr. Jeanne C. Sinkford Student Leadership Award
- ADEA/Haleon Preventive Dentistry Scholarships
- ADEA/MouthWatch Patti DiGangi Scholarship for Dental Hygiene Innovation
- ADEA/MouthWatch Predoctoral Dental Student Scholarship for Innovation
- ADEA/Sigma Phi Alpha Linda DeVore Scholarship
For Dental Educators
- Bell Leadership Institute Achievers Program
- ADEA Dr. Jeanne C. Sinkford Faculty Leadership Award
- ADEA Council of Students, Residents and Fellows/Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Junior Faculty Award
- ADEA/Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Excellence in Teaching Award
- ADEA Enid A. Neidle Scholar-in-Residence Program
- ADEA/Gillette Hayden Memorial Foundation/AAWD Woman Dentist Tuition Scholarship
- ADEA Leadership Institute Alumni Association Award to Honor Jack Bresch
- ADEA Leadership Institute Phase V Leadership Development Tuition Scholarship
For Leadership Institute Fellows
- ADEA/AADOCR/Colgate-Palmolive Co. Dr. Dominick P. DePaola Scholar in the ADEA Leadership Institute
- ADEA/ADEAGies Foundation Drs. Connie L. and Richard R. Drisko Scholar in the ADEA Leadership Institute
- The ADEA/Foundation for Endodontics Scholar in the ADEA Leadership Institute
- ADEA/American College of Dentists Dr. Jerome Bright Miller Scholars in the ADEA Leadership Institute
- ADEA/Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals, Inc./National Dental Association Dr. Jeanne C. Sinkford Scholar in the ADEA Leadership Institute
For Students
- Publications
- Policy
- Advocacy
- HURE Report
- Diversity Checklist
Faculty Diversity Toolkit
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Barriers and Challenges to Recruiting and Retaining Diverse Faculty
- Chapter 3: Best Practice Highlights—Recruiting and Hiring Diverse Faculty
- Chapter 4: Best Practice Highlights—Retaining Diverse Faculty
- Chapter 5: Conclusion
- Appendix B: Diversity and Inclusion Terminology
- Strategic Framework 1-1
- Policy on Diversity
- ADEA Climate Study
- Student Leaders for Social Change
- About
- For Members
GoDental Home
- Discover Dentistry
- Explore Dental Hygiene
- Apply
- Advisors
- Events
- ADEAGies Foundation Home
- ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition
- Sandbox
Take Advantage of ADEA Professional Development Opportunities
Advance Your Dental Education Career Through ADEA Professional Development Programs
ADEA offers the best continuing education programming to help you keep up to date in the ever-evolving field of dental education. Whether you're looking to expand your teaching skills, enhance your leadership abilities, or learn about the latest research, ADEA has programs and resources that will help you meet your professional goals.
ADEA's professional development opportunities enable you to:
- Develop new teaching skills and refresh current competencies.
- Keep up to date on best practices in the classroom and in curriculum development.
- Learn how to incorporate the latest technologies into your teaching.
- Explore inter professional education.
- Maintain licensure.
- Earn recognition for your dental education career growth with new micro-credentials!
Take advantage of ADEA's numerous collaborative and self-directed learning opportunities.
ADEA began delivering formal educational programming for leadership development in 1994 and continues to offer superior leadership and personal development programs to the nation's most promising dental educators.
- The ADEA Leadership Essentials for Allied Dental Educators (ADEA LEADE) is an eight-week online course designed to promote leadership and professional development, as well as increase and enhance leadership opportunities, for allied dental faculty.
- The
ADEA Leadership Institute, a yearlong program in four distinct phases that develops faculty members from all elements of dental education as the future leaders of dental and higher education.
- The
ADEA Allied Dental Faculty Leadership Development Program offers, four days of intensive training in leadership especially for allied dental faculty members or program directors.
- The
ADEA Emerging Leaders Program is designed for faculty members who have been at their institution for less than three years, and who have demonstrated the potential for making significant contributions to academic dentistry. The program focuses on helping faculty plan and implement successful academic careers by cultivating leadership, facilitating networking with colleagues and receiving mentorship from leaders in dental education.
- A new program in 2023, the ADEA Council of Deans Fellowship (ADEA CDF) is a year-long, part-time fellowship aimed at creating a diverse pipeline of future leaders who will assume roles as dental school deans and other senior university leadership positions. The ADEA CDF will increase the number of qualified candidates for deanships and equip them with the skills and experiences to help them succeed.
ADEA's collaborative learning experiences are dynamic, scheduled events where dental educators can connect with colleagues, expand their knowledge through discussion with peers, and participate in face-to-face educational exchanges with content experts while earning CE credits.
- ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition
- ADEA Leadership Institute
- ADEA Allied Dental Education Program Directors' Conference
- ADEA Business and Financial Administration and Clinic Administration (BFACA) Mid-Year Meeting
- ADEA Deans' Conference
- ADEA Fall Meetings
- ADEA International Women's Leadership Conference
- ADEA Emerging Leaders Program
In addition, ADEA offers a variety of resources to help financially support participation in learning experiences:
- Scholarships for Students
- Scholarships, Awards and Fellowships for Dental Educators
- Scholarships for ADEA Leadership Institute Fellows
If you have questions about ADEA professional development programs, please call (202) 289-7201 or email professionaldevelopment@adea.org.